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Astrology of the Corey Haim Death March 12, 2010

Posted by starsleuth in Astrology, celebrity horoscope, Corey Haim, forensic astrology.
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Corey Haim passed away on March 10th reportedly due to a drug overdose. It saddens me when young people whose lives are filled with such promise are suddenly taken away. I cast a chart for 4 AM, the time the police were called for the official report of death. I wanted to see what Corey was thinking and feeling which led to his demise.

Three degrees Aquarius is rising with its ruler Saturn retrograde in the eighth house of death. Saturn also rules the twelfth house of self-undoing and sorrow – how often do I see this in cases of this type. Saturn going retrograde in Venus’ sign: he was reevaluating relationships, not only romantic, but with the world at large. He was concerned about his earnings: Mercury, ruler of others’ resources, was exactly on his second house cusp. Mercury was in detriment, and strongly combust the Sun. He was having financial concerns. Mercury also ruled the fifth house of recreation, so he may have overspent his money on partying and recreational things. Mars ruled his third house of communication and thought. It is retrograde, but stationing, conjunct the Leo seventh house cusp. He felt he was losing some control over business and/or personal relationships. Mars also rules the tenth of career, and in opposition to Corey’s Ascendant, this too was a source of conflict and concern. Mars appears to sextile Saturn but this kind of sextile is not helpful; the two planets are in negative mutual reception. Whatever Corey did to solve his issues only made them worse. The overdose being the final act.

The Moon is in its detriment in the twelfth house. It speaks of pained emotions and a sense of being trapped in them. It is conjunct the Moon’s North Node which is unfortunately placed. The Sun in Pisces is also in a nodal degree signifying a fateful ending. Corey was not in full control of himself emotionally when he overdosed. He was seeking a mellowed-out, peaceful release from his anxieties. Sadly for him, and the rest of us, his release was permanent.

Read more of Starsleuth’s forensic astrology at Cold Case Astrology and
Stars 4 Tell.

astrology chart for Corey Haim

Event Chart for Corey Haim Death